ROW80 Check-in

I forgot to check in last week. I’m planning on one check in a week, at the end of the week, so Sunday. Last Sunday I totally forgot, so was going to do Monday, then work got in the way and I kept forgetting again, and now we’re here, a week later. Really, this is 2 weeks worth of check ins.

– Spend some time at least three times a week, editing. I’ve been pretty good at this. Mainly cause I’m just on the reading through stage (to remind myself of what the hell the novel is), so it’s easy at the moment. I think I’ve done this at least 3 times a week for the last 2 weeks. I’ve read up to p60 this year (A4 pages, size 10 font, single line spaced – so quite a lot). I’m getting near-ish where I have to do some real editing.  That’s scary, but I’m on a roll, so I’ll carry on.

– Exercise three times a week. If it’s walking, no less than for 20 minutes. I went for my first run of the year today. I’ve been putting it off for a week, but I finally did it, and it wasn’t as hard as I thought – in fact, I’m a lot fitter than I expected considering I’ve not done any exercise other than walking for nearly 4 months. I’ve also got back into the habit of getting off the tube a stop early and walking the rest of the way to work. It’s only 12 minutes, but that’s 12 minutes more than I was doing.

– Fast 2 days a week (500 calories a day). Done. I was going to do 3 this week, but today pretty much fell apart (I want to blame someone, but really can only blame myself, I caved in to the cookies I made last night, then left a pizza out the freezer, so had a choice of eating, or throwing away, I chose eating!).

– Check in for ROW80 once a week, one book review blog once a week. This week, complete – this blog and I reviewed Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor over on Novelkicks (read it here). Last week, I did none. I’m going to focus on the positives of this week though!

All in all, I’d say I’m doing well (this week, we’ll ignore last). The editing is going well, the reviewing is going well, I’m blogging on time. I’m also exercising and eating like I should (I’ve lost 4lb in the last 2 weeks).

My goals pretty much stay the same this week, except I may  have to reduce to 1 fast, because life is likely to get in the way! Here’s to another good week!

One thought on “ROW80 Check-in

  1. Frozen pizza, once cooked, holds for a few days in the fridge without a hassle. I know that doesn’t help now, but if you ever have the same issue in the future?

    Great progress on your goals here. Walking actually is a great exercise… I’m not surprised you’re in better shape than you thought.

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