NaNoWriMo and ROW80 Catch Up

I’m in two minds as to whether I’m doing well – both in NaNo and ROW80 (because my ROW80 goal in November is my NaNo goal of 1667 words).

I was doing well. Really really well. Until Tuesday. I had a cute little graph, that showed I was ahead – and had been for 5 days. Not much, but over is good.

Tuesady I dropped behind. I’d had a terrible day at work and was so tired. Yesterday, I fell even more behind because I’d had another bad day at work. Apparently I find it had to concentrate on writing when I’ve had a bad day.

I’m quite annoyed because if it was the summer I’d go for a run, feel better then write. In the winter, I can’t do that. Going for a run after work, when it gets dark before I even leave work isn’t even an option. Only a few months until summer, right?

Hopefully tonight, I‘ll make a start at catching up. I’m pretty sure I won’t completely catch up today. But over the weekend I will. I know I will.

I have tomorrow off work, which means writing in the morning. At lunch I’m going to visit my cousin in Cambridge. She’s then got plans for an afternoon for an hour, when I’ll write more.

Then on Saturday, I’m back in London for NaNoRilla.

NaNoRilla is possibly the most fun thing about NaNoWriMo. I took part for the first time last yeat. Basically we meet up, then walk around London writing in random different places. Last year we went to pubs, parks, the Imax Theatre and loads more I can’t think of.

It’s so much fun! Part of it is that it’s cold. Part of it is writing. But really, if we’re honest, it’s all of us meeting up, to do a little writing, and to.. well… just meet up. How many people can say they’ve written in lots of random London locations in one day? LOVE.IT!

The problem is my broken laptop. Mine is so light, it was great to take last year. This year, it’s dead. Or very ill anyway (as a side note – boyfriend is taking it to his dad’s this weekend – hopefully to get better). Which leaves me with boyfriend’s. It’s awesome that I get to borrow a laptop when mine is dead. But. It’s SO heavy.

So so heavy.

So, I’ve decided this weekend, for NaNoRilla, I’m going to write WITH PEN AND PAPER. I think that deserved CAPS – don’t you?

I hate writing by hand during NaNo. It’s A) A waste of time because I can write so much quicker on a computer (thanks to teaching myself to touch type last year) and B) because I have to then type it up.

But still. I can’t wait.

After NaNoRilla I’m sure there will be some drinks – yay!

Then on Sunday, I’ll be writing. All day. As I’ve said boyfriend is going home this weekend, which means Sunday at home alone for me. Woop! Day alone to write. I can’t wait!

By 23.59 on Sunday I WILL have caught up.

Go NaNoWriMo and ROW80!

5 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo and ROW80 Catch Up

  1. I had no idea you lived in SW ON. How cool is that? I live in St. Thomas…no, not the one in the Caribbean. :>P

    Anyhoo, I hope you have a wonderfully productive weekend and a great visit with your cousin.


  2. It sounds like you will have lots of lovely writing time this weekend and am absolutely sure you can catch up! NaNorilla sounds great! And I know what you mean about pen and paper but better than lugging around a heavy laptop I guess!

    Have fun and I will tweet you over the weekend to see how you are getting on!

    ps. I never thought a blog comment where someone said they hated me would make me laugh! But it did 🙂

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