Not Much Work, But Lots of Celebration!

I’ve not got much done in the last few days. By ‘not much’ I pretty much mean nothing. Ah, oh dear. I have  a pretty good excuse though.

I applied for a new job in December and had an interview just before Christmas. They told me I’d hear when I got back from the break. When I did, they decided they wanted a second interview. After that they said they’d let me know the beginning of last week, then on Tuesday they told me I’d find out Thursday. On Thursday I couldn’t concentrate on work for the whole day I was stressing that much, but still heard nothing. Thursday night all thoughts of writing were out the window – I was so nervous.

On Friday I got told, unofficially as they were still waiting for sign off, that I had the job! Woop! Yay! Hoorah! Cue a weekend of celebration – Champagne and shots on Friday, Saturday recovering and a roast and more champagne on Sunday.

Today I got told officially, but I think I’ve celebrated enough now!

Because of all that, I pretty much got nothing productive done – obviously! On Friday I did go to the gym. Yay! I spent 30 minutes there and burnt 400 calories (plus 100 to walk there from the office) – AWESOME! I don’t know if I’ve ever done that well. Totally makes me want to go back. Soon!

I did bits and pieces of reading over the weekend. I think I read quite a lot on Saturday, but pretty much none yesterday.

Diet and writing went out the window.

So now, I need to get back on it. I was going to go to an evening of writing tonight – the NaNo London crew meet up on Mondays to write for a couple of hours in Pret. I’ve not actually been since NaNo, and keep wanting to, but something always comes up. Typically, today when I was planning on going, I’m not feeling all that good 😦 Maybe the week after next I’ll finally make it (I’ve got plans next week).

I’m not going to post my progress chart because 1) I don’t have it with me and 2) it looks so bad (red). I’m going to spend the beginning of this week pulling it back – maybe have a couple of totally green days (good days) then post it. I’ll be much happier when it’s back to green than almost all red. Seriously, whose idea was a colour coded chart? What an idiot they are!!!

One thought on “Not Much Work, But Lots of Celebration!

  1. Congratulations on the job! Well done!

    Writing with the NaNo peeps sounds great, hope if you are able to make it the words flow.

    Have a great week and thanks for your comments 🙂

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